Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcome to Jpop Legends!

Hey everyone, thanks for listening to my station and viewing my site!  Nothing too fancy yet, if there's enough demand I'll try and make it fancier and possibly post about retro music and the scene in Japan.

I created Jpop Legends for fans of 80s and 90s Jpop, an era that I consider to have sparked a tremendous amount of originality and talent for the genre.  I'm a huge collector of CDs and other formats, and always wanted a way to share it with other like-minded people.  I live in Tokyo, which gives me plenty of great opportunities, from going to concerts held by the older artists to visiting retro-music themed bars and talking with the patrons.  I also am always on the hunt for CDs, searching for and checking out used shops.

As of now, the station is just an experiment to see if there's enough interest.  I signed up for the cheapest plan, which gives limited space and listener slots.  I'm currently focusing more on uploading mainstream popular songs from the era, although if I have the chance I'd also like to put in more obscure artists that I'm fond of.  The limited storage space is the main problem, I want to eventually focus on live broadcasting which will help with that, I do have a spare PC which I'd like to use as a broadcaster 24/7, but at this point I'm not sure how feasible that would be.

Any comments, suggestions, or requests would be greatly appreciated!  Feel free to post here or shoot me an email, and thanks again for listening!